2018: Discussed how to produce smolt in the future
330 participants from 10 countries joined the fifth conference on recirculation in aquaculture at Sunndalsøra at the CtrlAQUA and Nofima headquarters. The most recent knowledge on how to best produce large salmon smolt in closed containment systems with recirculation technology was presented, including 17 presentations related to CtrlAQUA.
“There is a high degree of innovation and producers who are eager to invest in this salmon production technology. The contributions at the conference addressed that how to do it safely, efficient and good for fish welfare and health, is not straight forward. We need to put priority to fish welfare all the way, also for ensuring that the smolt perform well when transferred to seawater”, says Åsa Espmark, Centre Director for CtrlAQUA.
The conference attracted fish farmers, technology providers, scientists, the public policy system, bankers and an animal welfare group.
The conference stretched over two days, and it included visit to Nofimas research facility on recirculating aquaculture systems, exhibition area for sponsors and a Q&A session where participants could address questions answered by scientists in CtrlAQUA.
Regional and aquaculture journalists covered the conference; you can read or watch the most hot topics here:
- NRK TV Local news
- Kyst.no: Tror landbasert vil være nisje lenge ennå
- The Fish Site: Novel production systems in the spotlight
- The Fish Site: Norwegian salmon hegemony under threat
- The Fish Site: Fish farmers accused of exceptionally short memories
- Kyst.no: Postsmolt i semi-lukkede systemer hverken fugl eller fisk
- Kyst.no: Oppdrettere er svært opptatt av fiskevelferden
Some photos from the conference in 2018: